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Elysian Capital close to reaching third fund target

Elysian Capital has held a first close of its third fund, having raised 90 per cent of the fund’s target of GBP 300 million in three months, since officially launching the fund. The final close is expected to be completed in the next couple of months from investors already well

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Digitising the LP Dialogue

LP communication can never be underestimated but in light of the market impact caused by Covid-19, GPs can ill afford to risk any communication disconnect. With so much volatility, the way in which GPs are able to effectively report to investors, even if the news is not positive, can go

Supply chain

Companies will diversify their supply chains, says Blackstone’s Schwarzman

Stephen Schwarzman, the Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone, believes that companies will respond and diversify their supply chains, with the coronavirus lockdown exposing risks that previously might not have been factored in.  Such has been the severity of Covid-19, countries have been forced to close their doors over the

Healthcare technology

Priveq raises sixth fund in three months

Nordic lower mid-market growth and buyout group Priveq, which invests in companies within the consumer, healthcare, IT and software sectors, has closed its sixth fund on SEK 2.5 billion. The fund’s investors include existing and new Nordic, European and North American investors, including public and private pension funds, insurance companies,


09 October, 2024 – 8:30 am

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