PE Tech Report



Blockchain – what’s it all about?

By George Ralph, RFA – Why is Blockchain the latest buzz word? What is it, and do you need it in your alternative investment firm? Essentially blockchain technology is a distributed ledger tech for real-world applications. It is a peer to peer entity which is not maintained by any one organisation, but

Coinsilium reports positive income in H1

Coinsilium, an investor that finances and manages the development of early-stage blockchain technology companies, has announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2017.  The company has reported total comprehensive income, which includes fair value gain on available for sale financial assets, of GBP290,210 (H1 2016: loss


Coinsilium launches blockchain-powered funding platform

Coinsilium Group Limited (NEX: COIN), an investor financing and managing the development of early-stage blockchain technology companies, has formed Terrastream, a wholly-owned subsidiary which is aiming to build an enterprise standard blockchain-powered platform for the generation of token-based alternative funding solutions. The Platform will be designed to work in compliance


12 September, 2024 – 6:00 pm

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