Prime Services For Hedge Funds

SEI introduces Form PF reporting services

SEI has unveiled a new service that assists SEC-registered investment advisers of private funds in meeting their Form PF obligations. Form PF was recently jointly adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It requires SEC-registered advisers to hedge funds and other private

Maitland offers administration for private equity and real estate funds

Maitland, the fast-growing multi-jurisdictional wealth and fund services firm, is now offering outsource fund administration to private equity and real estate investment funds. The development follows the rising growth of these funds, particularly private equity, in Africa. Maitland operates internationally with South Africa as an offshore fund servicing location. Assets

Appleby to open Zurich office in December

Appleby says it will become the first member of the ‘offshore magic circle’ of international law firms to establish a presence in Switzerland when it opens an office in Zurich on December


13 February, 2025 – 5:00 pm

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