Foresight has chosen leading flexible energy specialist Flexitricity to optimise a new battery site in West Gourdie.
The site in Dundee will house a 50MW lithium-ion battery and will be one of the largest battery storage units in Scotland, and will play a major role in helping National Grid ESO manage GB’s energy needs.
It is expected that the site will be fully operational and trading in the first quarter of 2022.
West Gourdie will have a 49.9MW import and export connection and Flexitricity will optimise it across all the available markets to maximise revenue, including various frequency response services procured by National Grid ESO, the Balancing Mechanism and wholesale markets. Flexitricity monitors the markets and the asset round the clock from its 24/7 control room in Edinburgh, and remotely alters the charge and discharge profile of the battery.
The UK now boasts over 1GW installed battery storage capacity and the market needs further growth to facilitate a net zero energy system. Flexibility is a hugely important part of decarbonising the grid and batteries are an excellent source of flexibility.
Flexitricity has been rapidly building its energy storage portfolio over the recent years, which includes both large-scale front-of-the-meter batteries and smaller on-site behind-the-meter assets. Flexitricity is also making strides in harnessing the flexibility of smaller assets such as electric vehicles and domestic heat pumps and intends to bring EVs to the Balancing Mechanism later this year.
Andy Lowe, Chief Commercial Officer at Flexitricity, says: “We are delighted to partner with Foresight to optimise this new battery site.
“Battery storage is a rapidly growing industry here in the UK and the ability to maximise its revenue potential will be crucial for further investment moving forward.
“The opportunities are certainly there and we’re confident in our ability to offer market-leading value. Our portfolio has been growing fast which demonstrates trust from the market, both in Flexitricity and the potential of the industry.
“With recent announcements bringing our 2050 carbon commitments forward to 2035, investment in low carbon energy remains as critical as ever.”
Jonathan Lovell, Investment Manager at Foresight, says: “We are very happy to partner with Flexitricity to optimise this site. West Gourdie is a significant battery site and will be one of the largest in Scotland.
“The proportion of intermittent renewable generation is set for further growth, and storage sites like these are much needed as they offer network operators an additional tool in managing the electricity grid.
“We are very much looking forward to seeing the site fully operational in 2022.”