Phalanx is an award winning multi strategy fund with an 8 year track record of positive and attractive risk-adjusted performance in every calendar year since inception (including 2008). The fund’s investment objective is to generate positive risk-adjusted returns in all market cycles regardless of market direction. The premise of our strategy is to profit from cheap or mispriced implied volatility opportunities imbedded in convertible securities and listed and OTC equity derivatives in Japan and broader Asian capital markets. Our target markets tend to have far greater volatility and are generally less crowded and efficient than average. This leads to significant and persistent pricing dislocations and more repeatable investment opportunities.
Leading a skilled Japan-AustralAsia focused team, founder and principal, Christopher McGuire, brings over 20 years of experience in the hedge fund industry, and a track record of more than 12 years managing absolute return funds.
Phalanx is headquartered in Chicago with offices in Hong Kong.