PE Tech Report

Globalfundmedia hosts several partnership content sections or mini-sites.

Globalfundmedia hosts several partnership content sections or mini-sites. These  mini-sites provide a partner-centric presentation of content, usually on a specific topic or related to a specific company.
Examples of these sites can be found here….


Requirements for a new site

Referring to the image at the botom of this page – each mini-site sits within one or more of the gfm publications, such as Hedgeweek. Parts of the site, will hold gfm branding and navigation (zones 1 and 2 in the image below)  the central part of the page holds the content (zone 3 in the image) and the right hand column (zone 4 in the image)  holds navigation, plus showcasing for the third party site.

Zone 3, the content zone, holds a list of latest articles, in the style easily recognized and digested by gfm readers and in reverse chronological order. This content can be provided by the client or produced in-house for the client. The top and bottom of this zone is completely customizable and often includes a logo, plus a short piece of text, explaining what the mini-site is about

Zone 4, is usually reserved for navigation, but it completely customizable. It often contains links to important elements on the client's side as well as rich media and social media links.

In order to speed up the creation of the mini-site, the following information is required.

We will attempt to provide any required customization requested of us, but sometimes, due to the nature of how our system creates content this may not be possible.

For any further information, please contact our technical team