PE Tech Report


PEW Outsourcing 21

Outsourcing in Focus 2021

Outsourcing in Focus 2021

This report examines how transferring regulation and compliance duties to an outsourced provider can free up private equity professionals to be more strategically effective. In the middle office, data requirements have also been increasing, further boosting the case for outsourcing these functions.
The ‘Outsourcing in Focus 2021’ special report comprises zero separate articles listed below, these can be read individually or as a sequence.
By A Paris – The case for private equity outsourcing has been bolstered in the past year as general partners (GPs) are having to handle larger volumes of data and compliance teams are stretched to their limit. Industry participants have attested to
This past year has proven that general partners (GPs) can retain control and oversight over the various functions within their firm, even while working with outsourced partners. The shift to virtual working demonstrated that the ability to interact and collaborate
Regulation and compliance teams within private equity (PE) firms are overloaded with their day-to-day tasks. Relieving some of this pressure will allow them to work on strategic, risk-based matters which will see them being more effective to the business overall.

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