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IMDAA opens applications for inaugural due diligence designation

The Investment Management Due Diligence Association (IMDDA), an exclusive investor-based organisation dedicated to the professionals who investigate facts concerning investment programs, has opened applications for the first class of its new professional due diligence designation.

The IMDDA’s Chartered Due Diligence Analyst (CDDA) will be an internationally recognised designation developed to ISO 17024 and ANSI accreditation standards that rigorously tests for aptitude and expertise in due diligence. Each person who passes the exam becomes a Chartered Due Diligence Analyst (CDDA), a designation that denotes one as an authority in the due diligence field. 
Registration for the first class of CDDA candidates opens November 12 and extends through to 1 February 2019. Applications for the exam will only be accepted through the IMDDA web site. Qualified applicants will sit for the 3-hour 45-minute, multiple choice CDDA test at locations around the globe from 17 December through to 15 February 2019. Registration periods for subsequent CDDA tests will be announced in 2019.
“Due diligence is the final check of investment products and processes for literally trillions of dollars in assets worldwide,” says Andrew Borowiec, IMDDA Executive Director. “The CDDA designation is the first check to know that this critical due diligence is being carried out at the highest professional levels.”
“Having the CDDA gives professionals the knowledge and structure to ask the right questions and gather the right information to make the best decisions for investors and allocators,” says Borowiec.
Under development by the IMDDA for more than two years, the CDDA designation denotes a superior level of understanding of international due diligence practices and principles. Obtaining the CDDA distinguishes professionals as having achieved extensive background and experience in due diligence and possessing the skills to understand business, operational, accounting, financial and investment risks. The CDDA will be the recognised standard in Operational and Investment Due Diligence around the globe.
“Earning the CDDA is the hallmark of a committed due diligence professional,” says Borowiec. “It helps drive professional self-confidence, opens doors, creates connections, and offers widespread value and recognition for those with the credential.”

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