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Augentius survey sheds light on challanges facing PE industry

The vast majority of respondents to private equity fund administrator Augentius’ latest annual survey are cautiously optimistic about the outlook for the industry in 2016.

Approximately 81 per cent of those surveyed believe that the general market climate in 2016 will be either the same (44.44 per cent) or more positive (36.51 per cent). Just over 19 per cent believed the climate will be less positive in 2016.
In addition, approximately 86 per cent of respondents believe that the 2015 general market climate was better (55.22 per cent) or the same (31.34 per cent) over 2014. 
The survey also reveals that for 2016, 41 per cent of respondents fee deal opportunities will likely be the most challenging, while market regulation is the top concern for about 34 per cent. Fundraising (32.14 per cent) was the third most worrisome topic.
In terms of regulatory concerns, two thirds of those surveyed (66 per cent vs 33 per cent) believe the AIFMD has not delivered its promise regarding investor protection.
In terms of where private equity professionals see increased opportunity in the coming year, Europe gets the thumbs up from 41 per cent of those surveyed, while North America take second spot in the popularity stakes with the backing of 28.57 per cent.

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