Several of August & Debouzy’s teams advised Beezik and its shareholders on its merger with Ebuzzing.
Beezik is a French company specialising in free and legal music downloading. It owns the BeeAd platform, which specialises in publishing video ads on media sites. Ebuzzing, specialises in the distribution of video ads through social media.
Thanks to their complementary offers, BeeAd and Ebuzzing’s merger will create a new European leader for online video advertising.
BeeAd will become a Business Unit of the Ebuzzing Group and will continue to operate under its own brand in Europe. The leading free and legal music downloading site, and WeSpread, a specialist of innovative performance-based advertising formats, will also be part of the agreement with Ebuzzing. The new Group will generate EUR 40 million in turnover this year and is forecasting twice as much in one year’s time.