Eurazeo has appointed Virginie Morgon, the company’s current Deputy CEO, as CEO from 19 March, 2018. Morgon (pictured), will replace Patrick Sayer at the end of his fourth term as CEO and Chair of Eurazeo’s Executive Board.
Morgon’s experience and key contribution to numerous successes made her the Supervisory Board’s natural choice for the CEO role. She has been an Executive Board member for ten years and Deputy CEO since 2014. She has considerable experience and a solid international business network. Morgon is a highly regarded professional in Europe, the United States and Asia and is an independent director of several leading global companies.
Together with the Executive Board, Morgon will be responsible for implementing a strategy to strengthen Eurazeo’s position as a key partner of European entrepreneurs and managers and to continue developing its innovative business model founded on the complementarity of permanent capital and third-party management, in a transatlantic context. The quality of Eurazeo’s investments and the acceleration of the firm’s transformation will remain at the top of her priorities.
Michel David-Weill, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, says: “I ’m proud to herald the start of a new chapter in Eurazeo’s history, with the appointment of Virginie Morgon as CEO. To me, this succession plan was self-evident. I’m very pleased to see a leading private equity talent champion the acceleration of our company’s transformation. Virginie’s appointment is the continuation of Patrick Sayer’s strategy implemented over the last fifteen years. I’d like to take this opportunity to warmly thank Patrick Sayer for his total commitment and for his success at the head of Eurazeo.”
Morgon says: “I’d like to thank Michel David-Weill, Jean-Charles Decaux and all the Supervisory Board members for the responsibility they have entrusted me with and the confidence they have shown in me. I’m proud and delighted to succeed Patrick Sayer. He’s one of the most talented and respected individuals in the European private equity sector, with whom I have shared many exciting human and entrepreneurial adventures. For me, this decision is a commitment, an obligation and an honour. I will do my upmost to fly Eurazeo’s flag high with conviction, loyalty, commitment, creativity and audacity. These values are shared by Eurazeo’s talents and create value for our companies, our shareholders and our financial partners.”