Corporate and financial law firm Gattai, Minoli, Agostinelli & Partners has advised Bain Capital in the secondary buyout of Italian tyre distributor Fintyre from BlueGem, advised by Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners.
Gattai, Minoli, Agostinelli & Partners assisted Bain Capital with a team composed by partner Cataldo Piccarreta, senior associates Lorenzo Fabbrini and Maria Pia Palma and associate Domenico Garofalo for the corporate profiles and by partner Cristiano Garbarini and associate Alban Zaimaj for the fiscal aspects of the transaction.
Studio Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati advised Bain on the fiscal due diligence and business profiles, with a team composed by Stefano Tronconi, Nathalie Brazzelli and Andrea Vagliè.
The seller BlueGem was advised by Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners with a team composed by partner Daniel Vonrufs, senior associate Gerardo Carbonelli and associates Luigi Maraghini Garrone and Giulia Ebreo, as well as by counsel Eva Cruellas on the competition profiles.
Founded in November 2012, Gattai Minoli Agostinelli & Partners is a law firm specialising in corporate and M&A, banking & finance, tax, restructuring, real estate, employment, intellectual property and dispute resolution.