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GLEIF’s Global LEI Index now available free online

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) has launched the Global LEI Index, which provides information, updated daily, on the nearly 400,000 LEIs issued to date.

Any interested party can easily access and search the complete LEI data pool free of charge using the web-based LEI search tool developed by GLEIF.
The Global LEI Index consists of a golden copy of all past and current LEI records including related reference data in one repository. The reference data provides the information on a legal entity identifiable with an LEI. Accessing the data online for searching, comparing and downloading supports a multitude of applications in, for example, risk management, compliance, client relationship management and data management. The Global LEI Index enables, among other things:
• Clear and unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions, e.g. counterparty identification, by searching for an entity’s name to check its LEI and related reference data.
• Identification of client exposure through linking internal information with LEI data.
• Analysis of underlying and external exposures, e.g. reference names in collateralised debt obligations, mutual funds or vendor products.
• Onboarding of new clients through fast access to business card information.
• Resolution of conflicts that may arise from outdated client data in global asset servicing, accounting, compliance, risk and financial reporting.
Together with the Global LEI Index, GLEIF has also today introduced its web-based LEI search tool. It provides easy access to the complete LEI data pool. The tool also empowers users to quickly find and compare LEI data based on a wide range of search criteria and without any technical restrictions.
The LEI search tool, developed by GLEIF, essentially works like a sophisticated but easy to use search engine. Search results are presented in the web browser or in various other formats for further processing (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML, JSON). Other features ensuring user friendliness include pre-defined queries, comparing results for multiple LEIs and storing complex queries for recurrent searches.
With the LEI search tool, GLEIF has also made available key facts, figures and statistics on the global LEI population via interactive graphs and a world map drill down. Adapted versions for mobile phone users will follow soon.
The Global LEI Index and version 1 of the LEI search tool are available on the GLEIF website at
GLEIF CEO Stephan Wolf says: “The drivers of the LEI initiative, that is the Group of 20, the Financial Stability Board and many regulators around the world, have emphasised the need to make the LEI a broad public good. The launch of the Global LEI Index, together with the LEI search engine, greatly contributes to meeting this objective. It puts the complete LEI data, made available by GLEIF as the authoritative source, at the disposal of any interested party conveniently and free of charge.”

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