Vanguard Minerals, a strategic consulting company, has launched a venture capital and incubation division, GreenZone Ventures.
The new division will have a primary goal of identifying, investing in, partnering with and supporting companies in the green energy industry.
Specifically, GreenZone will target bio-fuels, green energy, and emerging technology companies in the start up through third round phases of business, allowing them to develop and ultimately craft an exit strategy.
The new division will be headed by Woody Junot and expects to deploy capital and all consulting services by the start of the third quarter of 2010.
Jim Price, chief executive of Vanguard, says: "We are forming this division to address a significant void in the renewable energy industry, where there is a lack of support for early stage companies. Our view is that new energy technology is a crucial market where Americans can exhibit our innovation and drive for success. We are confident that some of the greatest opportunities of our lifetime lie in the minds and business plans of entrepreneurs throughout our country. Innovation, in the way that energy is created, delivered, and utilised is something that has defined our country for over 200 years, starting with steam power through experimental fusion technology and carbon scrubbing. Our intent is to foster continued innovation and provide a resource for companies that deserve a chance to grow."