CEPRES has launched PE.Analyzer3, a fundamental benchmarking platform for private capital markets.
With PE.Analyzer3 investors (LPs) and fund managers (GPs) exchange investment data in a secure environment.
Using technical and fundamental analysis, they benchmark funds, deals and operating companies for three-dimensional investment decisions.
PE.Analyzer3 launches together with benchmark data on 2,614 funds, 35,962 deals and USD2.9 trillion worth of PE-backed companies.
Taking input from leading LPs, PE.Analyzer3 introduces expert investment screening sheets. Fund and deal performance, PMEs (Public Market Equivalents), loss and recovery rates, return distributions, j-curve analysis and value creation are all calculated live for funds, deals and whole portfolios.
For analysts, CEPRES has introduced single factor regressions to evaluate how operating company performance translates to investment returns and calculate so-called beta correlations. This is an enhancement to the existing alpha-beta framework that calculates risk-adjusted alpha versus comparative public markets.
“This is our most sophisticated platform ever for private equity and takes investment decisions into the next dimension,” says Dr Daniel Schmidt, CEO, CEPRES. “For years LPs and GPs have been searching for ways to benchmark their portfolio companies and now for the first time we can deliver it for them. We also upgraded performance so everything runs 50 per cent faster, helping save valuable time for decision makers. Considering that PE.Analyzer3 processes hundreds of thousands of transactions and trillions of dollars of investments in a matter of seconds, what our developers and quants have achieved is astonishing.”