LiquidX, a global network for illiquid assets, transacted a record USD7.4 billion in 2018, as year-over-year trading volume soared 40 per cent. The platform handled four times as many unique credits in 2018 than in previous years.
“Our clients transacted hundreds of different credits in 2019, while using multiple structures across 25 different legal jurisdictions,” says Glenn Kocher (pictured), Head of Sales and Client Services at LiquidX. “Whether you are a corporate treasurer, a bank or an institutional investor, having that scope of execution in one place is extremely powerful.”
Novelis, the leading producer of flat-rolled aluminium products and the world’s largest recycler of aluminium, is one of the new users added to the LiquidX network in 2018. Randy Miller, Vice President and Treasurer at Novelis says: “The platform provides us with an efficient working capital solution which has significantly reduced our financing costs.”
Building on its continued momentum, LiquidX will unveil even greater capabilities in 2019, as it expands its role as the global credit network for illiquid financial assets.