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RepRisk: Best ESG Data Provider

Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Thank you to the Private Equity Wire European Awards and everyone who voted for RepRisk as the Best ESG Data Provider. We have been covering private companies on ESG since day one, and in that time have built the largest database on ESG risks. Our flagship ESG Risk Platform covers over 190,000 companies, of which 170,000 are private, and 50,000 infrastructure projects such as mines, dams, and pipelines. RepRisk supports some of the world’s largest private equity firms, private debt firms, and funds of funds on their ESG journey, supporting their ESG due diligence, daily risk monitoring, and company engagement on ESG. Through an ‘outside-in’ approach which only focuses on third-party sources external to companies, RepRisk has been committed to ensuring that companies ‘walk their talk’ in respect to their ESG commitments for the past 15 years and will continue doing so for the next 15 years and beyond.

Company info
Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Switzerland, RepRisk is a pioneer in ESG data science that leverages the combination of AI and machine learning with human intelligence to systematically analyze public information and identify material ESG risks. RepRisk’s flagship product, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform, is the world’s largest and most comprehensive due diligence database on ESG and business conduct risks, with expertise in 23 languages and coverage of 190,000+ public and private companies and 50,000+ infrastructure projects. For more than a decade, the world’s leading financial institutions and corporations have trusted RepRisk for due diligence and risk management across their operations, business relationships, and investments. Find out more on


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